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Don’t you dare forget to dial *...6…7…
Set in 2003, Mack hosts a slumber party with "frenemies" Bri and Gina. The girls have too much fun prank calling strangers, but one call in particular has them in over their heads.
Meet The Characters
MACK (Darlene Tonti) Mack’s into nu metal, art, and giving into peer pressure.
GINA (DiVoyé) Stuck in the middle as Mack’s childhood friend and Bri’s current bestie, Gina loves a good time and hates accountability.
BRI (Elizabeth Beatrice Lambert) Quintessential early 2000s mean girl who believes ignoring the problem will make it go away.
TERI (Terah Lake) The hot emotionally unavailable mom.
It’s 2003 and we meet Mack, Gina, and Bri, during an awkward sleepover. Although Mack is hosting the party, she’s more of the third wheel for Gina and Bri’s shenanigans, like making prank phone calls. All calls are safe as long as you dial *...6..7…
Mack succumbs to some pot and peer pressure from Bri and makes a call to a stranger. A kind sounding older woman named Lydia answers the phone and Mack tanks the call. Fed up with Mack’s pity party, Bri urges she and Gina leave but Gina, still loyal to Mack’s long time friendship, refuses to go. As the two girls begin to fight, Mack can’t think of a way to end the prank that’ll satisfy Bri. She taps into her memories of her mother crying because her father had cheated and left. She tells Lydia on the phone that her husband is cheating, to which Lydia says she already knows, scaring Mack. Fed up with the situation all together and feeling anger towards her father, Mack half mindedly suggests to Lydia that she kill her husband. Gina and Bri are impressed with the stunt but Mack doesn’t feel right about the call and fears they’re gonna get caught. Bri reassures her that all was good as long as Mack remembered to dial *67.
Mack did not dialed *67 and Lydia has them exactly where she wants them…
Director’s Statement
*67 or STAR SIX SEVEN is a love letter to late 90s / early 2000s teen slashers…
…urban legend horror, and the ultimate sacred space and often times, battleground, for girls and young women: the slumber party. Inspired by movies like Urban Legend, Black Christmas, and When A Stranger Calls, *67 is a film about witnessing the consequences of one’s own actions and the parts we play in the misery (or horrors) of our own lives. Mack, our protagonist who’s only wish is to find connection, “F**ks around and finds out” as she acts as the center of this cautionary tale.
It was important to me to have an all Black and Latina cast (and crew!) because I wanted to draw attention to the fact that Black and Latina horror movie characters were often very one dimensional during the early millennium, if they even existed at all. The Black sidekick or best friend is still a trope used till this day. I wanted to break free from that trope and bring Black and brown femme characters forward and show that we are more than the sidekick. Actresses like Brandy, Gabrielle Union, Christina Vidal, Rachel True, and Christina Millian were inspirations behind the characters of Mack, Bri, Gina, and Teri.